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ESET Cloud Office Security

Category:Security - Detection By:Eset

Geavanceerde preventieve bescherming voor cloud e-mail en -opslag.

ESET Cloud Office Security biedt geavanceerde preventieve bescherming voor Microsoft 365-toepassingen tegen malware, spam en phishing-aanvallen. De gebruiksvriendelijke cloudbeheerconsole geeft een overzicht van in quarantaine geplaatste items en waarschuwt onmiddellijk wanneer er een detectie plaatsvindt.

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• Beheerders hebben eenvoudig zichtbaarheid en controle  »

ESET Cloud Office Security

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 ESET Cloud Office Security
Partnr.DescriptionEuro *US$Euro incl. VAT 
E72-010107AAA ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Subscription, 5-10 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)21.0021.9925.41
E72-010207AAA ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Subscription, 5-10 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)37.8039.5945.74
E72-010307AAA ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Subscription, 5-10 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)56.7059.3868.61
E72-010107AAB ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Subscription, 11-25 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)21.0021.9925.41
E72-010207AAB ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Subscription, 11-25 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)37.8039.5945.74
E72-010307AAB ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Subscription, 11-25 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)56.7059.3868.61
E72-010107AAC ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Subscription, 26-49 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)21.0021.9925.41
E72-010207AAC ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Subscription, 26-49 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)37.8039.5945.74
E72-010307AAC ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Subscription, 26-49 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)56.7059.3868.61
E72-010107AAD ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Subscription, 50-99 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)18.0018.8521.78
E72-010207AAD ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Subscription, 50-99 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)32.4033.9339.20
E72-010307AAD ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Subscription, 50-99 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)48.6050.9058.81
E72-010107AAE ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Subscription, 100-249 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)18.0018.8521.78
E72-010207AAE ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Subscription, 100-249 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)32.4033.9339.20
E72-010307AAE ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Subscription, 100-249 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)48.6050.9058.81
 ESET Cloud Office Security
Partnr.DescriptionEuro *US$Euro incl. VAT 
E72-010107AAF ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Subscription, 250-499 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)15.0015.7118.15
E72-010207AAF ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Subscription, 250-499 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)27.0028.2832.67
E72-010307AAF ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Subscription, 250-499 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)40.5042.4249.01
E72-010107AAG ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Subscription, 500-999 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)15.0015.7118.15
E72-010207AAG ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Subscription, 500-999 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)27.0028.2832.67
E72-010307AAG ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Subscription, 500-999 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)40.5042.4249.01
E72-020107AAA ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Renewal, 5-10 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)21.0021.9925.41
E72-020207AAA ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Renewal, 5-10 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)37.8039.5945.74
E72-020307AAA ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Renewal, 5-10 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)56.7059.3868.61
E72-020107AAB ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Renewal, 11-25 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)21.0021.9925.41
E72-020207AAB ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Renewal, 11-25 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)37.8039.5945.74
E72-020307AAB ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Renewal, 11-25 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)56.7059.3868.61
E72-020107AAC ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Renewal, 26-49 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)21.0021.9925.41
E72-020207AAC ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Renewal, 26-49 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)37.8039.5945.74
E72-020307AAC ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Renewal, 26-49 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)56.7059.3868.61
 ESET Cloud Office Security
Partnr.DescriptionEuro *US$Euro incl. VAT 
E72-020107AAD ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Renewal, 50-99 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)18.0018.8521.78
E72-020207AAD ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Renewal, 50-99 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)32.4033.9339.20
E72-020307AAD ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Renewal, 50-99 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)48.6050.9058.81
E72-020107AAE ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Renewal, 100-249 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)18.0018.8521.78
E72-020207AAE ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Renewal, 100-249 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)32.4033.9339.20
E72-020307AAE ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Renewal, 100-249 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)48.6050.9058.81
E72-020107AAF ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Renewal, 250-499 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)15.0015.7118.15
E72-020207AAF ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Renewal, 250-499 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)27.0028.2832.67
E72-020307AAF ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Renewal, 250-499 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)40.5042.4249.01
E72-020107AAG ESET Cloud Office Security 1 year Renewal, 500-999 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)15.0015.7118.15
E72-020207AAG ESET Cloud Office Security 2 year Renewal, 500-999 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)27.0028.2832.67
E72-020307AAG ESET Cloud Office Security 3 year Renewal, 500-999 Seats, price per Seat (digital delivery)40.5042.4249.01

All prices are in EUR excl. VAT (21%, for books 9%) and excl. shipping.
E-mail or call us at +31 85 40 19 16 0 for licences, upgrades and other questions.

Geavanceerde preventieve bescherming voor cloud e-mail en -opslag.

ESET Cloud Office Security biedt geavanceerde preventieve bescherming voor Microsoft 365-toepassingen tegen malware, spam en phishing-aanvallen. De gebruiksvriendelijke cloudbeheerconsole geeft een overzicht van in quarantaine geplaatste items en waarschuwt onmiddellijk wanneer er een detectie plaatsvindt.

Voordelen ESET Cloud Office Security
• Beheerders hebben eenvoudig zichtbaarheid en controle over in quarantaine geplaatste e-mails en gebruikers die het vaakst doelwit zijn
• Beheerders worden direct geďnformeerd wanneer een detectie heeft plaatsgevonden en kunnen meteen actie hierop ondernemen