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Acronis Backup for AnyServer to


For extended information about this product, please mail or call us on +31-85-4019160. Acronis Backup for AnyServer to

Select one or more articles and then press Order. Quantities can be changed on the next page.
Partnr.DescriptionEuro *US$Euro incl. VAT 
CLAAQALOS71 Acronis Backup for AnyServer to Cloud -500 GB - Renewal (digital delivery)438.90495.92531.07
CLAAQBLOS71 Acronis Backup for AnyServer to Cloud -1 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)768.90868.80930.37
CLAAQCLOS71 Acronis Backup for AnyServer to Cloud -1.5 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)1098.901241.671329.67
CLAAQDLOS71 Acronis Backup for AnyServer to Cloud -2.0 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)1428.901614.551728.97
CLAAQMLOS71 Acronis Backup for AnyServer to Cloud -12 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)8180.779243.699898.73
CLAAQNLOS71 Acronis Backup for AnyServer to Cloud -4 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)2780.023141.223363.82
CLAAQOLOS71 Acronis Backup for AnyServer to Cloud -6 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)4130.214666.844997.55
CLAAQPLOS71 Acronis Backup for AnyServer to Cloud -8 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)5480.406192.466631.28
CLPAQALOS71 Acronis Backup for PC to Cloud - Unlimited - Renewal (digital delivery)82.4893.1999.80
CLPAQBLOS71 Acronis Backup for PC to Cloud - 1 TB -Renewal (digital delivery)147.16166.28178.06
CLPAQCLOS71 Acronis Backup for PC to Cloud - 2 TB -Renewal (digital delivery)606.22684.98733.53
CLPAQDLOS71 Acronis Backup for PC to Cloud - 4 TB -Renewal (digital delivery)1213.811371.511468.71
CLPAQELOS71 Acronis Backup for PC to Cloud - 8 TB -Renewal (digital delivery)2428.972744.562939.05
CVMAQALOS71 Acronis Backup for VMware to Cloud - 500 GB - Renewal (digital delivery)438.90495.92531.07
CVMAQBLOS71 Acronis Backup for VMware to Cloud - 1 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)768.90868.80930.37
Partnr.DescriptionEuro *US$Euro incl. VAT 
CVMAQCLOS71 Acronis Backup for VMware to Cloud - 1.5 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)1098.901241.671329.67
CVMAQDLOS71 Acronis Backup for VMware to Cloud - 2.0 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)1428.901614.551728.97
CVMAQELOS71 Acronis Backup for VMware to Cloud - 12TB - Renewal (digital delivery)8180.779243.699898.73
CVMAQFLOS71 Acronis Backup for VMware to Cloud - 4 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)2780.023141.223363.82
CVMAQHLOS71 Acronis Backup for VMware to Cloud - 6 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)4130.214666.844997.55
CVMAQILOS71 Acronis Backup for VMware to Cloud - 8 TB - Renewal (digital delivery)5480.406192.466631.28

All prices are in EUR excl. VAT (21%, for books 9%) and excl. shipping.
E-mail or call us at +31 85 40 19 16 0 for licences, upgrades and other questions.

For extended information about this product, please mail or call us on +31-85-4019160.